Reach New Customers With Direct Mail

Poplar offers powerful direct mail prospecting with advanced lookalike modeling and demographic targeting capabilities.

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What Is The Poplar Difference

Advanced Targeting

Access to the top performing data sources for highly relevant Lookalike modeling & custom targeting.


Streamlined modeling process that cuts the time to build prospecting audiences down to less than a week.

Impactful Formats

From postcards to trifolds, all with 1:1 dynamic QR and promotion code capabilities, Poplar supports every use-case.

Targeting Expertise

Poplar’s team has decades of combined experience working directly with hundreds brands with unique goals to find the right target audience and approach.

Types Of Prospecting

Direct Mail Campaigns for

Lookalike Prospecting

Utilize your own customer data to build a modeled lookalike audience of high-quality prospects that look, act, and shop like your existing customers.

Poplar has exclusive partnerships with top data providers to build fully personalized models in less than a week.

Easily apply additional filters such as household income, geography, age and gender, to get the exact model you want.

Poplar’s low minimums allow you to test with a small budget before scaling.

Custom Targeting Lists

For brands looking to target specific demographics, locations or consumer behavior, Poplar can build custom targeting based on data from over 140 million US households.

No customer data is required, allowing brands that are unable to provide data to still test into DM prospecting.

Users can also tap into event-based targeting, including new and pre-movers, new parents, newly married & more.

Other Poplar Use Cases