How Kettle & Fire Drives 15x ROAS with Direct Mail

“We use Poplar for our win-back campaigns, and they’ve consistently shown a super high ROAS with personalized messaging and content.”

Niccolo Gloazzo, Director of Ecommerce


Kettle & Fire was founded in 2014 after Justin and Nick Mares discovered that no company was providing shelf-stable, 100% grass-fed bone broth to consumers. Kettle & Fire's mission is to deliver the amazing benefits of bone broth to the world via superior taste, nutrition, and convenience.

The Problem

Kettle and Fire noticed that their typical email open rate ranged around 20-30% on average for each of their campaigns. This meant that 70-80% of their target audiences were slipping through the cracks when it came to the messaging they were trying to get across. They saw this as an opportunity to engage those that had fallen off through another, offline, channel.

Our Solution

Kettle & Fire teamed up with Poplar to add direct mail as a new channel and automatically target the 70-80% who had not engaged with email or their other digital efforts. After seeing extremely promising results on their first campaign, they decided to enhance their workflows by using triggered campaigns.

Poplar’s direct integration with Klaviyo and Shopify allows brands to automatically trigger personalized postcards to their target audiences. This means that Kettle and Fire were able to target lapsed customers in real time as they passed through their Klaviyo workflows. This benefitted the team in multiple ways as it saved them time and money while also fetching some very profitable results.


By leveraging online and offline channels in unison, Kettle and Fire was able to see consistent lift in getting their messaging across to the right consumers. By adding direct mail, they realized ROAS of over 15x, and Response Rate Lift over 1.4% through direct mail.