Alterra Achieves Incremental Value from Shared Mail Program

“Direct mail gives us the ability to create a physical touch point while still being very personalized. In a world where everything is digital, the ability to have something tangible for people to look at and hold is refreshing.”

Sarah Solberg, Senior Manager of Customer Lifecycle Marketing


Alterra Mountain Company owns and operates a range of businesses across recreation, hospitality, real-estate development, food and beverage, retail. Their incredibly popular Ikon Pass gives users access to the most iconic mountains at 50+ destinations worldwide.

The Problem

When SLM first began working with Allterra back in 2022, they were having some success in other channels but in order to scale their marketing further, they wanted to diversify and effectively test offline marketing. Their goal was to promote the Ikon Pass and reach a high volume of prospects to determine if direct mail could be a viable option.

Our Solution

SLM determined that our premium shared mail program and standalone DM would be the best fit for Alterra’s needs. Specifically for shared mail, Alterra was able to test into a variety of market-based mailings that aligned with their past top-performing cities. They enjoyed that each shared mail envelope is personalized according to the market and the low cost per piece of the program allowed them to mail a high volume early on.


Alterra’s initial shared mail campaign had incredible incremental results. SLM was able to use these learnings to identify top markets as well as conservatively test into high-potential East Coast cities the following year.